About Zaitun Time Series

Zaitun Time Series is software designed for statistical analysis of time series data. It provides easy way for time series modeling and forecasting.

Zaitun Time Series is a freeware. It can be used for any purpose, includes for commercial use.


Why Zaitun Time Series

Zaitun Time Series provides several statistics and neural networks models, and graphical tools that will make your work on time series analysis easier.

  • Statistics dan Neural Networks Analysis: Trend Analysis, Decomposition, Moving Average, Exponential Smoothing, Correlogram, Neural Networks.
  • Graphical Tools: Time Series Plot, Actual and Predicted Plot, Actual and Forecasted Plot, Actual vs Predicted Plot, Residual Plot, Residual vs Actual Plot, Residual vs Predicted Plot.




Zaitun Time Series is a freeware. It can be used for any purpose, include for
commercial use.
If you use it for commercial use, please consider to donate. It will help us continue the Zaitun Time Series development.

Zaitun Time Series is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.


The Development of Zaitun Time Series

Zaitun Time Series is developed by using:

  • C# language and .NET Framework 2.0
  • Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Edition IDE
  • Some external libraries: Encog-CS by Heaton Research Inc., ZedGraph by JChampion, ExcelLibrary by Liu Jungfeng, GraphLib by zimpstep,and TabStrip by SAM Enterprise


The Developer Team

  • Rizal Zaini Ahmad Fathony (Pekanbaru, Indonesia): core development, programmer
  • Suryono Hadi Wiboowo (Flores, Indonesia): programmer
  • Lia Amelia (Palembang, Indonesia): test and documentation, site administration, marketing

Previous Team Member:
Almaratul Sholihah, Muhamad Fuad Hasan, Rismawaty, Aris Wijayanto, Dewi Andriyanti, and Wawan Kurniawan.


History of Zaitun Time Series

Zaitun Time Series was originally developed by “time series” team as final project of four years diploma degree in Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik (Institute of Statistics), Jakarta, Indonesia in 2007. Members of the team were Rizal Zaini Ahmad Fathony, Suryono Hadi Wibowo, Wawan Kurniawan, Muhamad Fuad Hasan, Al Maratul Sholihah, and Rismawaty. Now, the developer team in zaitunsoftware.com is continuing the development of Zaitun Time Series, the members of the team now are Rizal Zaini Ahmad Fathony, Aris Wijayanto, Dewi Andriyanti, and Lia Amelia.

Members of the team are fresh graduate, most of the us graduated in 2007. Nowdays the members of the team are working in Badan Pusat Statistik (Statistics of Indonesia) in some provinces in Indonesia.

Through zaitunsoftware, we try to make our dream by developing Zaitun Time Series and some related software which will grow up to a serious project that is suitable for solving statistics problem in time series modeling and forecasting, and helping the analysis of time series data.

The first version of Zaitun Time Series (version 0.1.1) came out in the beginning of August, 2008 and was written in C# language and .NET Framework 2.0.

In middle of August 2008, Zaitun Time Series was hosted an announced to the public. And the next version of Zaitun Time Series is now being developed to fix bugs from previous version, to be completed with additional analysis menu, which are multiple regression and ARIMA (Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average), and to fix some tools related to file importing and variables transforming.


Contact Info

If you have any ideas to make zaitunsoftware better please send it to us here or use our forum. Any feedback you can provide is greatly appreciated. Thanks.